My FNZ Studio Version

Open older log-files with the log file viewer


Is there a way to open older log files with our viewer in the studio? Because after 5 MB file size it creates a new file and the old cannot be accessed anymore with the viewer. In addition, is there a configuration where one can increase that 5MB treshhold?

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Published: 01.07.2013 19:46

2 Answers

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Posted: 02.07.2013 08:46Edited: 21.12.2017 12:38

Yes it is definitely possible, you just have to flag the "Show all files" option as shown below, and eventually (if needed) remove the modified date filter:

To change the threshold you need to change the log4j configuration as explained in this document: Diagnosis Log4j



Posted: 02.07.2013 08:50Edited: 21.12.2017 12:39

Specifically to solve your issue with the debug.log size, you can do the following:

  • Create the file <DataHome>/conf/log4j-additional.properties
  • Write in it: log4j.appender.dbglog.maxFileSize = 20MB
  • Restart Appway
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